WINDY WALTZ - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles

WINDY WALTZ - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 13th February 2019
Cat No. JM103016
Price £15.00
Composer: Bruce Fraser
Categories: SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles

WINDY WALTZ will introduce your young players to triple metre. Try playing it at different speeds to show how the waltz can be effective either fast or slow. You will no doubt find a speed which will feel right. You could also demonstate the use of “one in the bar" conducting.
The “Windy” of the title is shown partly by the chromaticism at letter A, and also by the crescendo - diminuendo effects at letter C.
The introduction is brief and accented. The melody appears firstly on Clarinets and Trumpet, then on Flute / Euphonium at letter B. Keep the staccato crotchets light and not too short - ask your players to think of a good value quaver. Leaning slightly on the first beat of each bar will help to give the
feeling of pulse. Letter C will give good practice in controlling crescendos and diminuendos. A change of key at letter D brings back our first melody on Woodwind and Euphonium. The waltz ends with a brief Coda.
l hope that you enjoy working with “Windy Waltz".
Bruce Fraser

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