GULLIVER'S TRAVELS - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 3.0, SPRING SALE 2019

GULLIVER'S TRAVELS - Parts & Score, BIGGIES - Grade 3.0, SPRING SALE 2019
Availability Available
Published 13th February 2019
Cat No. JM103012
Price £25.00
Composer: Bruce Fraser
Categories: BIGGIES - Grade 3.0, SPRING SALE 2019

Grade 3.0

Normally £50.00 - only £25.00 in our Spring Sale

l have thought of the idea of using the Gulliver story for a piece for some time and the BASBWE commission for a work for school band was the perfect opportunity. The work had to be written tor school level ( American grade 3 ) and playable by the average school band. There is therefore some cueing in parts. The work is to be premiered by Park Mains High School Wind Ensemble on Monday 24th. September, conducted by the composer who is indebted to Keith Hamilton for preparing the work.
The music :
The work opens with Gulliver's theme which sets the era in which Gulliver lived. This is followed by a section describing the ship setting off to sea, and in due course meeting a storm which eventually causes the shipwreck. Gulliver gradually awakens through a haze and is aware of tiny people around, represented by the high woodwinds. When he speaks the Gulliver theme is played by the heavy brass in a slow tempo, causing the Lilllputians to scatter. Eventually, he is carted ofi to the city accompanied by a fluttery little march tune. At one point the 1st. Clarinet becomes the bass accompanying the Piccolo with Indian Bells being used as tiny cymbals.
The sea music returns as Gulliver sets off on further adventures. Arriving on Brobdignag, after another shipwreck, he gradually awakens and this time his theme is in the high woodwind. He twitters away while we hear the march of the Brondignaglans , a heavy ponderous theme. The time comes when he can escape - there is a moment of hesitation and sadness - and then he is on the homeward journey, represented by a fugue using his theme, leading to a joyous ending.
Bruce Fraser

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