WHIGMALEERIE - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 3.0

WHIGMALEERIE - Parts & Score, SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 3.0
Availability Available
Published 13th February 2019
Cat No. JM103008
Price £20.00
Composer: Bruce Fraser
Categories: SPRING SALE 2019, New & Recent Titles, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 3.0

Grade 3.0

Pronounced - "whig·​ma·​lee·​rie "

A Scottish word meaning "an odd or fanciful contrivance" - in this case a collection of well known Scottish Tunes.

The tunes are  -

01. A Hundred Pipers 
02. The Gadie Runs ( at the Back of Benachie )
03. Annie Mawrie
04. Duncan Grey

Normally £35.00 - in our Spring Sale £20.00

Samples available

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