WHISPERS FROM BEYOND - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, SLOW TUNES - Grade 3.0

WHISPERS FROM BEYOND - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles, SLOW TUNES - Grade 3.0
Availability Available
Published 31st August 2018
Cat No. JM102820
Price £68.00
Composer: Rossano Galante
Categories: New & Recent Titles, SLOW TUNES - Grade 3.0

Grade 3.0
Duration 4.00

Composed as a tender tribute to a lost friend, this was not meant to be a mournful piece, but rather a joyous remembrance of a life ended too soon. The work features two primary themes that ebb and flow as the music progresses. Soaring melodic lines and rich orchestration help bring character and distinction to this effective and emotional piece.

Whispers from Beyond

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