LEGEND of the DROP BEAR - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles

LEGEND of the DROP BEAR - Parts & Score, New & Recent Titles
SCBF Repertoire piece Availability Available
Published 29th August 2018
Cat No. JM102819
Price £70.00
Composer: Brian Balmages
Category: New & Recent Titles

Grade 3.0

Duration 4.00

Inspired by a trip to Australia, Balmages composed this programmatic work in honor of the fictitious, yet wildly popular drop bear. The ominous opening portrays the eerie feeling of walking about, not knowing if one of these horrific creatures will drop out of a tree and attack. Achievable aleatoric sounds add to the mystery as the drop bear finally reveals itself and panic ensues. Extremely creative and engaging! 

Samples available

Audio samples
Legend of Drop Bear Legend of Drop Bear

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