Mah-na Mah-na - Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 1.5, New & Recent Titles

Mah-na Mah-na - Parts & Score, LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 1.5, New & Recent Titles
Availability Available
Published 8th March 2018
Cat No. JM102658
Price £40.50
Composer: Piero Umiliani
Arranger: Johnnie Vinson

Categories: LIGHT CONCERT - Grade 1.5, New & Recent Titles

Grade 1.5

Made famous by the Muppets, but also recorded by a number of contemporary artists (including rock group Cake) this clever tune is sure to raise a smile. Arranged here in a straight 8th Latin style (rather than swing) the melody is cleverly passed from section to section. Sure to be a fun piece for your students.

Mah-na Mah-na

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